
Drop of Honey

A King drops a drop of honey and claims it's "not his problem". A fly eats it. Then, a lizard then eats the fly. A cat eats the lizard. A dog fights the cat, then their owners fight each other, which in turn causes the villagers to fight each other, then soldiers fight, and the palace is burned. The King finally agrees that drop of honey was his problem.

MacDonald, Margaret R, and Zobra Anasazi. Peace Tales: World Folktales to Talk About. Hamden, Conn: Linnet Books, 1992.

MacDonald, Margaret R, Rajni Chopra, and Dominique Künzli-Leclerc. Choisir La Paix: 33 Contes Et Proverbes Des 4 Coins Du Monde. Genève: GRAD-Suisse [etc., 2003.]

Suleiman, M S. A Drop of Honey =: Tone La Asali : Swahili-English Language. Zanzibar: s.n., 2009.

This "Drop of Honey" story appears to pop up in several places around the world like Thailand and Tanzania. In this story, a drop of honey causes a chain of incidents. It's more for an older audience who would appreciated the connectivity of the events, which is the point of the story. It lends itself well to teaching passive vs. actives sentences, and sequence of events.