
Where Teddy Bears Come From

In this story, Little Wolf is the main character. One night he has trouble sleeping.
He would sleep better if he had a teddy bear. That's when he realizes he doesn't know where they come from. So, he sets out on a journey through to woods to find out. He encounters "The Three Little Pigs" and "Little Red Riding Hood", but they don't know either...

Burgess, Mark, and Russell Ayto. Where Teddy Bears Come from. Atlanta: Peachtree, 2009. Print.

Burgess, Mark, and Russell Ayton. Where Teddy Bears Come from. London: Penguin, 2008. Print.

McMorland, Alison, and Margaret Chamberlain. Brown Bread and Butter: Seventy Songs, Rhymes and Games for Children. London: Ward Lock Educational, 1982. Print.

Richards, J, and S Perl. How Come...?: Easy Answers to Hard Questions. Manchester: World Distributors, 1976. Print.

Everyone loves a fairytale complete with animals. I thought this one would be good to teach animal names, but also just to have a fun story for any language level and for any age. I would adapt it to include gestures and sounds for younger audiences. This would be great for small children & up.