The classic tale of three little pigs going out into the world to build their houses...
The Three Little Pigs: A British Folk Tale. Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman, 1976.
It's Our Storytime!: Songs and Rhymes from Around the World. Oakland, CA: Oakland Public Library, 2009.
I showed a digital story of this in my ESL classroom, and I was surprised to learn that no one was familiar with the story. So, now it goes into my future file because part of learning a language is learning about a culture in which that language is spoken and part of American culture (stemming from the British in this case), is the story of the three pigs.
This story is ideal for very small children because of its straightforward story line and its repetition. For the same reasons, it would work well in a beginning language classroom as well. Comparisons can be taught using this story.
The sharing of interesting stories is universal. Stories are a great way to deliver the "whole package" when it comes to language learning and teaching in context. Here are some stories to get you started. Once Upon a Time... Il était une fois... Habia una vez.....
Blog Archive
- The Jester and the Stranger's Language
- “The Trap”
- The Frog Princess: A Tlingit Legend from Alaska
- Why Ants Can Be Found Everywhere in the World
- The Snake Chief
- The Sword of Wood
- Ocelot, Jaguar and Lion
- Tortoise and the Hare II
- Red Lips
- Uncle Walter Goes Dancing with Bears
- Clip from an ESL classroom presentation
- Stone Soup
- Global Storytelling
- Six Reading Comprehension Short Stories
- Clever Manka
- Drop of Honey
- The Three Foreigners
- Three Little Pigs
- Where Teddy Bears Come From
- Romeo and Juliet
- The Sultan's Daughter
- Storytelling in the Language Classroom